Medicare Bibliography


Health Affairs. Lack Of Persistent Coding In Traditional Medicare May Widen The Risk-Score Gap With Medicare Advantage. December 2024.

Kaiser Family Foundation. The Landscape of Medicare and Medicaid Coverage Arrangements for Dual-Eligible Individuals Across States. July 2024.

Integrated Care Resource Center. Sample Language for State Medicaid Agency Contracts with Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans. January 2024.


Elevance Health. Medicare Advantage Supplemental Benefits Address Health-Related Social Needs. July 2023

Health Affairs. Burden of Health-Related Social Needs Among Dual – And Non-Dual-Eligible Medicare Advantage Beneficiaries. July 2023.

JAMA. Medicare Advantage Disenrollment Patterns Among Beneficiaries With Multiple Chronic Conditions. June 2023.

Health Affairs. Enrollment And Characteristics Of Dual-Eligible Medicare And Medicaid Beneficiaries In Integrated Care Programs.  April 2023

Health Affairs. Differences In Use Of Services And Quality Of Care In Medicare Advantage And Traditional Medicare, 2010 And 2017. April 2023.


AJMC. Risk Adjusting for Medicaid Participation in Medicare Advantage. August 2020.


Center for Consumer Engagement in Health Innovation. An Exploration of Consumer Advisory Councils within Medicare-Medicaid Plans Participating in the Financial Alignment Initiative. January 2019.


Kimball, Jill. Medicare Advantage rating penalize plans serving disadvantaged plans, study finds. Brown University. July 2018.

Disability and Health Journal. “Integration of Medicare and Medicaid for dually eligible beneficiaries: A focus group study examining beneficiaries’ early experiences in California’s dual financial alignment demonstration.”  January 2018.


RTI International for CMS. Early Findings on Care Coordination in Capitated Medicare-Medicaid Plans under the Financial Alignment Initiative. March 2017.

RTI International for CMS. Beneficiary Experience: Early Findings from Focus Groups with Enrollees Participating in the Financial Alignment Initiative. March 2017.

RTI International for CMS. Issue Brief: Special Populations Enrolled in Demonstrations under the Financial Alignment Initiative. March 2017.

Verdier J, Kruse A, et. al. State Contracting with Medicare Advantage Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans: Issues and Options. Integrated Care Resource Center. November 2016.


Eligible Special Needs Plans: Issues and Options. November 2016.

CMS. Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports Beneficiaries in 2012. October 2016.

GAO. HHS Should Set Priorities and Comprehensively Plan Its Efforts to Better Align Health Quality Measures. October 2016.

Eiken S. Medicaid Long-Term Services and Supports Beneficiaries in 2012. Truven Health Analytics for CMS. September 16, 2016.

MACPAC. Financial Alignment Initiative for Beneficiaries Dually Eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. July 2016

Hollister B, Graham C, et. al. Cal MediConnect: Health System Response Key Findings and Recommendations. The SCAN Foundation. July 2016.

CHCS, ACAP Medicare-Medicaid Plans and the Financial Alignment Demonstrations: Innovations and Lessons. July 2016

CMS. Better Outcomes for Dually Eligible Older Adults through Integrated Care. June 2016

CMS. Enrollee Experiences in the Medicare-Medicaid Financial Alignment Initiative: Results from the 2015 CAHPS Survey. April 2016

American Journal of Managed Care. Medicare Advantage Plans Have Lower Hospitalizations Than Medicare FFS Plans. March 2016.

Robert Grapham Center. Understanding the Impact of Medicare Advantage on Hospitalization Rates. March 2016.

Anderson W.L., Feng Z. Minnesota Managed Care Longitudinal Data Analysis. HHS, Office of Disability, Aging and Long-Term Care Policy. March 2016.

Committee on Accounting for Socioeconomic Status in Medicare Payment Programs, Accounting for Social Risk Factors in Medicare Payment: Criteria, Factors and Methods 2016


Resources for Integrated Care. LTSS Briefs For Health Plans. October 2015

Urban Institute. The Effect on States of Increasing the Medicare Eligibility Age. September 2015.

Truven Health Analytics. Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports in FY 2013: Home and Community-Based Services were a Majority of LTSS Spending. June 2015

AARP. Care Coordination in Managed Long Term Services and Supports. July 2015.

Alliance for Health Reform. Toolkit: Long-Term Services and Supports – Changes and Challenges in Financing and Delivery. July 2015.


Inovalon. The Impact of Dual Eligible Populations on CMS Five-Star Quality Measures and Member Outcomes. October 2013.

Resources For Integrated Care. Disability-Competent Self-Assessment Tool. May 2013

New York State Department of Health. 2012 Managed Long-Term Care Report. January 2013.

The Commonwealth Fund. VNSNY CHOICE Health Plans: Continuous Care Management for Dually Eligible Beneficiaries. January 2013.


George Washington University. A New State Plan Option to Integrate Care and Financing for Dual Eligibles. January 2012.


Kaiser Family Foundation. Special Needs Plans: Availability and Enrollment. September, 2011.

Meyer, H. (2011). A new care paradigm slashes hospital use and nursing home stays for the elderly and the physically and mentally disabled. Health Affairs. March 2011.


Chattopadhyay A, Bindman AB. Linking a comprehensive payment model to comprehensive care of frail elderly patients: a dual approach. JAMA. 2010 Nov 3;304(17):1948-9.

MedPAC Report to the Congress: Aligning Incentives in Medicare. June 2010.

AHIP. Using State Hospital Discharge Data to Compare Readmission Rates in Medicare Advantage and Medicare’s Traditional Fee-for-Service Program. May 2010.

Center for Health Care Strategies, Melanie Bella and Lindsay Palmer-Barnette. Options for Integrating Care for Duals. March 2010.


CMS and Booz Allen Hamilton. State Options for Designing Dual SNP Contracts with Medicare Advantage Organizations that Adhere to MIPPA Requirements. December 2009.

CHCS, The George Washington Univ. & The Commonwealth Fund. Supporting Alternative Integrated Models for Dual Eligibles: A Legal Analysis of Current and Future Options. November 2009.

Rosenbaum, S. et. al. Center for Health Care Strategies. Supporting Alternative Integrated Models for Dual Eligibles: A Legal Analysis of Current and Future Options. November 2009.

The Lewin Group. Evolution of New York’s HIV Special Needs Plan Program: Cost and Usage Impacts. November 2009

CHCS, The George Washington Univ. & The Commonwealth Fund. Supporting Alternative Integrated Models for Dual Eligibles: A Legal Analysis of Current and Future Options. November 2009.

Barbara Coulter Edwards, Sustan Tucker and Brenda Klutz, Health Management Associates; Lynda Flowers, AARP Public Policy Institute. Integrating Medicare and Medicaid: State Experience with Dual Eligible Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans. September 2009.

AARP. Integrating Medicare and Medicaid: State Experience with Dual Eligible Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans. September 2009.

Center for Health Care Strategies, Supporting Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles: Policy Options, July 2009.

Center for Health Care Strategies, Supporting Integrated Care for Dual Eligibles: Resource Paper, July 2009.

ASPE. Federal Authority for Special Needs Plans and Their Relationship to State Medicaid Programs. June 2009.

Teresa Coughlin, Timothy Waidmann, and Molly O’Malley Watts. Where Does the Burden Lie?: Medicaid and Medicare Spending for Dual Eligible Beneficiaries, Kaiser Family Foundation, April 2009.

Holahan, D. M. Miller, and D. Rousseau. Dual Eligibles: Medicaid Enrollment and Spending for Medicare Beneficiaries in 2005. Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured, February 2009.


Lewin Group with ACAP and MHPA. Increasing Use of the Capitated Model for Dual Eligibles: Cost Savings Estimates and Public Policy Opportunities. November 2008

American Journal of Managed Care. Medicare Capitation Model, Functional Status, and Multiple Comorbidities: Model Accuracy. October 2008.

Lewin Group and ACAP. Analysis of Dual Eligible Pharmacy Costs Under Medcaid and Medicare Part D. September 2008.

Mathematica Policy Research. Evaluation of Medicare Advantage SNPs. September 2008.

Milligan, Charles & Woodcock, Cynthia. Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans for Dual Eligibles: A Primer. February 2008.

Kaiser Family Foundation. Do We Know If Medicare Advantage SNPs Are Special? January 2008.


Avalere Health and ACAP. Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans: Six Plans’ Experience with Targeted Care Models to Improve Dual Eligibles Beneficiaries’ Health and Outcomes. November 2007.


MedPAC Report to Congress. Dual Eligible Beneficiaries: An Overview, Ch. 3, June 2004.