Provider data management has been a fragmented undertaking, utilizing multiple vendors engaged by various operational areas within a health plan. This approach results in high data error rates, unnecessary costs, lost revenue, and heavy administrative burden. Curatus is a healthcare IT company that offers full-service (SaaS) PDM platform to the Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, and commercial payer markets. Our ProviderLenz platform powers the automated dissemination of enriched provider data in real-time and behind-the-scenes for ALL payer use cases based on a single source of truth Master Provider Index. This means that all operational processes within a payers organization are always utilizing the same and most up-to-date provider data available. ProviderLenz also features fully compliant online directory, continuous network adequacy monitoring and reporting, full-service CRM and campaign management, sanctions monitoring and credentialing support, expirables management, etc. All this is achieved with a single vendor and with no changes to a payer’s current IT infrastructure.

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Jarrod Mandozzi

Chief Revenue Officer

5252 N Edgewood Dr, Suite 165
Provo, UT 84604